Stuckinarut2 " If your absence doesn't effect them, then your presence never mattered !
The Rebel, if that quote is true, then what am I doing on the forum :-)
what a powerful quote!.
"if your absence doesn't affect them, then your presence never mattered.".
how true!
Stuckinarut2 " If your absence doesn't effect them, then your presence never mattered !
The Rebel, if that quote is true, then what am I doing on the forum :-)
you are on guard at jesus sealed tomb.
all of a sudden a great earthquake occurs and an angel.
wearing a dazzling outfit descends from above like lightning and this angel single handedly rolls away.
Not just the guards but I am surprised the entire population of Jerusalem didn't become believers.
Matt 27: v 53 & 54 " And the graves were opened and many of the bodies of the saints which slept arose, they came out of the tombs and went in to the holy city and appeared to many people"
So not only were the solders on guard of Jesus tomb witness to the most important miracle of all time, they would also have heard stories about the famous dead prophets of old having risen from there graves and walking around the holy city. Personally I think the event would have created quite a lot of excitement and been the social topic of the day.
The Rebel.
but thanks to the excellent health care on this site iam on the road to recovery, and can now fully appreciate what a gloriouse thing it is to be free from the w.t and savor approaching spring in all its beauty, ....however i am not sure i am ready for debating on all the boards many heavy threads about gods existence and evolution .. anybody else feal the same?
" tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free, tis a gift to wake up and breath the morning air, and tis a gift to each day walk on the path we want to be....." .
the rebel.
Thank you for the post Blondie, and I must apologize if my post post had suggested medically I have been critically ill. I was only writing about my mental state of having been under Watchtower mind control for so many years, which I have now awakened to and am therefore no longer "critically ill"
The Rebel.
but thanks to the excellent health care on this site iam on the road to recovery, and can now fully appreciate what a gloriouse thing it is to be free from the w.t and savor approaching spring in all its beauty, ....however i am not sure i am ready for debating on all the boards many heavy threads about gods existence and evolution .. anybody else feal the same?
" tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free, tis a gift to wake up and breath the morning air, and tis a gift to each day walk on the path we want to be....." .
the rebel.
But thanks to the excellent health care on this site iam on the road to recovery, and can now fully appreciate what a gloriouse thing it is to be free from the W.T and savor approaching spring in all its beauty, ....however I am not sure I am ready for debating on all the boards many heavy threads about Gods existence and Evolution .
Anybody else feal the same?
" Tis a gift to be simple, Tis a gift to be free, Tis a gift to wake up and breath the morning air, and Tis a gift to each day walk on the path we want to be....."
The Rebel
i find it curious why so many here on this site, in the face of factual evidence for things such as evolution and the impossibility for anyone to make a coherent interpretation for the bible, would still prefer faith to knowledge?.
can any believer attempt a defence of this position?.
Half bananas ( Q) Can any believer make a case for the superiority of faith over knowledge?
David Jay " This thread is about asking believers to supply an answer to the O.P, which is can any believer make a case for the superiority of faith over knowledge?
The Rebel, ( A) Of course a believer can make the case for " the superiority of faith over knowledge" and that's all the O.P asked. However the closing arguments might make humourrous entertainment.
The Rebel.
the wt used to be rich for the quality of their public speakers, at the top of the ladder were the dos motivating the brothers on a weekly basis.
some of them used very folksy experiences related to the brothers as motivational tools, when you left the convention those experiences were the talk of the town.
i remember one very well qualified brother serving as do that was constantly using those sort of experiences as part of his arsenal, at one time he related one about a sister that new that she was going to die soon and while meeting with the family and brothers for final preparations she requested to be buried with a fork in her hand.
I think the "Watchtower" comes in at an honourble 3rd position for plagarisam, and proves they have learnt well from there leader Jesus Christ, who comes in at second place for his many plagiarized and famous parables, all stolen from Greek mythology. However if you are familiar with " The Epic of Giligamesh" then at no 1 for plagarisam must surely be the Bible, for its many blatant similarities to the book of Genisis and the character of Jesus.
The Rebel.
my brother attended a college for those who " f..led" up at school and got a second chance to do the exams.
anyway george michael and andy ridgley, were two of those fu..k ups, and my brother was quite friendly with both.
as a result i met george and andy before they found fame with wham.. geri hallaway ( spice girl) also came from watford when she grew up and was a friend of my sister ( her mum a j.w) and i once spoke with geri on the phone when she rang asking to speak with my sister.
DNCall...that was a lovely post, when I have time I will comment further.
The Rebel.
my brother attended a college for those who " f..led" up at school and got a second chance to do the exams.
anyway george michael and andy ridgley, were two of those fu..k ups, and my brother was quite friendly with both.
as a result i met george and andy before they found fame with wham.. geri hallaway ( spice girl) also came from watford when she grew up and was a friend of my sister ( her mum a j.w) and i once spoke with geri on the phone when she rang asking to speak with my sister.
Kate sorry that I thought you were taking the piss xx
The Rebel.
my brother attended a college for those who " f..led" up at school and got a second chance to do the exams.
anyway george michael and andy ridgley, were two of those fu..k ups, and my brother was quite friendly with both.
as a result i met george and andy before they found fame with wham.. geri hallaway ( spice girl) also came from watford when she grew up and was a friend of my sister ( her mum a j.w) and i once spoke with geri on the phone when she rang asking to speak with my sister.
Kate, unless you grew up in Watford, you did not deliver newspapers to Andy Ridgleys home, as he grew up in Bushey Heath, and attended Cassio college in Watford with George Michael whose parents owned a Greek restaurant in Bushey. They both attended Cassio college, as did the three girl back-up singers who appeared on Top of the pops with them when they were " Wham" doing the first hit.
Furthermore Andy Ridgely purchased a nightclub in Rickmansworth,which was co-owned with a group of his former "we" fucked our exams up friends from Cassio college Watford, and my brother was almost apart of that bankrupt adventure.
The Rebel.
my brother attended a college for those who " f..led" up at school and got a second chance to do the exams.
anyway george michael and andy ridgley, were two of those fu..k ups, and my brother was quite friendly with both.
as a result i met george and andy before they found fame with wham.. geri hallaway ( spice girl) also came from watford when she grew up and was a friend of my sister ( her mum a j.w) and i once spoke with geri on the phone when she rang asking to speak with my sister.
Not sure why "talesin" got a red thumb, but it kind of reminds me of "Juke Box Jury" a T.V music show where songs were judged and given a " hit" or " miss" by the jury. It's interesting to note the jury that gave misses were often so wrong.
The Rebel.